Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, October 16 is World Food Day!

Millions are Against Monsanto and support Sunday, October 16 which is World Food Day.
Hit the streets with OCA to demand labels on genetically engineered foods.
Research and Action Center for the Organic, Buy local, and Fair trade movements.

Health and Organic Activist unto God! | Chris J. Slater - His Life and Times

If you live in North America and so live under NAFTA (North America Free Trade Association) it is really important for you to listen to this! 
Chris J. Slater on Facebook posted: Monsanto and Food Inc.'s stranglehold over the nation's food and farming system is about to be challenged in a food fight that will largely determine the future of American agriculture.
Monsanto's tradition of creating genetically modified foods (gmo foods) may be coming to an end, as health activists in California rise up against gmo products.
· · · · 2 hours ago

  • You like this.
    • Chris J. Slater Taking over Wall Street the last couple of weeks, Bay Street this week. Thanks God, some people finally get it; but not those who report the news or make policy like local councils in Nanaimo and Lantzville. Now is YOUR chance to make a difference! Don't waste it by voting the status quo. If your local and provincial politician isn't part of the solution, they are the problem! Especially if they believe there is no problem with GMO's, Corporate Personhood, always seeking after their ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. A 24% RAISE? If you live in Nanaimo and want some common sense, vote Gord Fuller, if you live in Lantzville vote for change there too!
      about an hour ago ·
    • Chris J. Slater Story at-a-glance
      You CAN make a MAJOR difference in helping eliminate GMO foods in the US with these simple steps.
      In September, lawyers representing a broad coalition of health, environmental, and consumer advocate groups filed papers to launch a California Ballot Initiative that would require mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods and food ingredients.
      If California voters pass this ballot initiative in 2012, it will likely be the beginning of the end for Monsanto and genetically engineered food in the U.S. 
      Millions Against Monsanto...Let's use this strategy to clean up this toxic mess in Canada starting on a local basis in Lantzville and Nanaimo!! Let's identify who are the Monsanto STOOGES right here and NOW. And let's identify who is for our liberty and freedoms. Let's tell Washington, DC and Ottawa, Ont. WE WANT TO BE HEARD! And they aren't listening. Canada has the same population as California, we can make a difference for ALL of North America!
      Monsanto's tradition of creating genetically modified foods (gmo foods) may be coming to an end, as health activists in California rise up against gmo products.
      26 minutes ago · ·
    • Chris J. Slater This should be life changing! If you don't understand what we're fighting for in North America after viewing this, you must be brain dead! Power to the PEOPLE! Take it back from the greedy, self-centered, psychopathic CORPORATIONS and their stooges! Be sure to watch: Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association

      "If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." - Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994

      Monsanto and Food Inc.'s stranglehold over the nation's food and farming system is about to be challenged in a food fight that will largely determine the future of American agriculture. (I believe the world!)

      A growing corps of organic food and health activists in California—supported by consumers and farmers across the nation—are boldly standing up to Monsanto and its minions, taking the first steps to expose the widespread contamination of non-organic grocery store foods with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and moving to implement mandatory GMO labeling through a grassroots-powered Citizens Ballot Initiative process.
      Monsanto's tradition of creating genetically modified foods (gmo foods) may be coming to an end, as health activists in California rise up against gmo products.
by Chris J. Slater at 5:24 am

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Freedom of OUR Press

Home page of the Lantzville log states, "Because of the increasingly litigious nature of the debate about urban agricultural farming, the Log will no longer publish related articles or letters related to this topic. Only reports of actual proceedings and public record will be printed."
the voice of Lantzville, British Columbia
 ·  ·  ·  · about an hour ago near Lantzville
  • You like this.
    • Andrew Mostad Wait, wasn't Wager part of the public record? Seems silly to edit him out of such a great report
      about an hour ago · 
    • Gord Fuller What a crock:)
      about an hour ago · 
    • Jamie Wallace Your right Andrew, that was the first thing I thought. So look out, this issue could be another interesting read.
      about an hour ago · 
    • Marjorie Stewart Who's been litigating?
      about an hour ago via  · 
    • Andrew Mostad from what I can tell, not us...
      about an hour ago · 
    • Les Bendo I found this quote "Buy fresh vegetables and fruit at least twice each week." on this page: . Interesting!
      about an hour ago · 
    • Nicole Shaw Not quite "the voice of Lantzville" now is it...?
      54 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Renessa Bak this always reminds me of how the papers are fond of sharing 'we are the voice of our community'. . and I always reply with. "for as long as you are not including my voice. . sorry, I think you are falling short on that statemend.
      32 minutes ago · 
    • Chris J. Slater Exactly Nicole Shaw, "the voice" has been silenced but by whom? What freedom of the press? Well if that's what's happening, we're becoming less free every day! We need to tell whoever thinks they are in control here in Canada, those who would condone such censorship, many have fought and died for our rights and they best look out! Shame on the Lantzville Log for folding under such "pressure". They need to report this attempt to control OUR CANADIAN CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to the RCMP! That's the story here. My father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, aunts and uncles fought in WWII to protect these rights this paper will now throw away! If they won't stand up to this sort of manipulation, I will. How about you people? Are you ready to defend our Constitution?
      30 minutes ago · 
    • Renessa Bak freedom of the press has always stopped at the editors desk.
      29 minutes ago · 
    • Chris J. Slater My post today to the Log: Thanks Lantzville Log for "Vegetables-To-Go" BY PATRICIA CHUEY on February 8, 2011. Excellent article except for one thing. The greatest danger to our health and continued existence on this planet comes from "Frankenfoods"! These are gentically modified organisms (GMO) manufactured by Corporations that have been given the RIGHT to patent the life they've "invented" by the United States of America. Sadly Canada has joined this foolishness. These foods are prohibited in the EU for very good reasons. The next greatest threat comes from the unnatural pesticides, insecticides and unnatural fertilizers manufactured from natural gas for instance. Same problems with a lot of pharmaceuticals. Next is the right of these corporations NOT to divulge what they are up to. They don't even have to tell us on their packaging that they have put this in our food and thus in our bodies. Help us Health Canada, your mandate comes from the people of Canada, not Monsanto, Dow and others! Will the Log fold to Monsanto and others? Stay tuned, WE can make a difference!
      3 minutes ago ·  · 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Response to comment to Minister of Agriculture

AAFC: Contact the Minister


More to me
show details Aug 23

Thank you for your message.

Please be assured that your message has been received. Your views are important to us and will be given careful consideration. If required, you will receive a response as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your interest and comments.
Reference Number: 1314121781
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250 245-3197

13140 Thomas Road
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V9G 1L9
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Yes, thank you Kate Storey, Agriculture critic for the Green Party of Canada for your expression of support on Protect Urban Agriculture, Save Compassion Farm.... Oh that The Honourable Gerry Ritz Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board would now respond to our righteous concerns for food security and our RIGHTS to grow and sell FOOD from any property under our control. He has been doing an admirable job for AGRI-BUS., with his foreign trips to sell their products, but I want him to start doing more for us, the people who elected him; the people who are forced to consume disgusting GMO and GE foods simply because they are sneakily NOT LABELLED. Canada needs to follow the rest of civilized societies such as in the EU and ban these Frankenfoods. And then arrange restitution from Corporate Capitalists like Monsanto for the DAMAGE they have done to our world! Won't you join me in letting The Honourable Gerry Ritz know of our concerns?
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mayor Colin Haime; Lantzville, BC, Canada

Back to the future as we enter into a post consumer and oil society. Could some one please tell me: 
1. What does the Mayor of the District of Lantzville get in the way of salary, benefits, honorariums and expenses? How long has Colin Haime been the Mayor and what has he received for each year he's served and what benefits like pension, etc. will continue after he is defeated or leaves office voluntarily? 
2. What does a Councillor of the District of Lantzville get in the way of salary, benefits, honorariums and expenses? How long has Denise Haime been a Councillor and what has she received for each year she's served and what benefits like pension, etc. will continue after she is defeated or leaves office voluntarily? Contd...

What an inspiration Mayor Colin Haime, of The District of Lantzville, British Columbia is to our local political, corporate, and academic world! Colin Haime, CA has been a CASB (Chartered Accountant, School of Business) facilitator since 2001. He is a Partner in Barber & Haime, Chartered Accountants (Mayor Colin and wife - Councillor Denise Haime (Barber) are CA's and principles of, a Professor in the Faculty of Management at Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo, see: As a "peasant"  living with my wife, a student, on less than $14,000/yr and friends to activist Dirk Becker and magazine owner Nicole Shaw whose combined income is approximately$20,000 I cannot help but wonder how in touch Colin and Denise and their "accountant majority on council " are with people who are struggling to get clean and nutritious food by growing our own food? Maybe some time "walking awhile in our shoes" would teach them what it is like to struggle to make a living on Vancouver Island these days?

On the Island we only produce 4% of the FOOD we consume here. The rest of our food has to come from somewhere else in the world: China, California, Florida, Mexico, Thailand: What is going to happen when there is no more cheap transportation or "chemicalized" food?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mayor Colin Haime; Lantzville, BC, Canada

Chris J. Slater @ GrownFoods says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Mayor Haime. I am a Canadian, a British Columbian, a neighbour to Lantzville; I live in the Cowichan Valley Regional District. I moved to Vancouver Island from Edmonton in 1978 to escape the “development above all else” mentality. So although not a resident of Lantzville, I and my family still need clean air, water, food and adequate shelter. No one in this world can live in isolation to anyone else. Having been to Compassion Farm, and having met Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw, I can assure you the neighbour, Jim Brash and you, as the “majority of Council” – Mayor, wife as a Councillor and the other 2 who are pushing this issue, more than deserve the criticism you are now getting. Unlike you, we are having difficulty obtaining those 4 basics of life. I and my wife just watched you and Dirk on Shaw Cable and we are dismayed at your inflexible attitude and insistence on a flawed 2006 bylaw restricting people from people from growing their own organic air, water, food and shelter. Sir, drop the foolish litigation, stop wasting precious resources. In closing, you and council of Lantzville need to know you were elected to provide leadership in your community, the province of B.C., Canada and the world. So either you will lead, will follow or you will get out of the way; the times are changing.

Democracy in Action, YOUR FOOD

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Democracy in Action: Your FOOD

Nanaimo BC, Shaw Cable, August 18, 2011
Both Dirk Becker and Mayor Haime are being interviewed LIVE on Shaw Cable today. Would be great if someone could record it for us as we do not have cablevision. Our understanding is Dirk goes on live at 4pm... but as they want us there at 3:30, it could be that Mayor Haime is on at 3:30.... Thank you to whomever is able to record it!!